Dan White
Training Specialist
Dan joined Cairn Partners in 2019 as Sales Manager for one of our client firms. Prior to joining Cairn, Dan was a Northern Territory Manager for a large Funeral Home/Cemetery Combo in Seattle, Washington. Bringing over 40 years of dynamic experience, he is a seasoned professional in Management, Leadership Development, Marketing, advanced Computer Technology, and Sales Excellence. As a Sales Manager, Dan played a pivotal role in creating and refining the Cairn 'Remote Visit Dashboard' for our client firms. In 2021, he transitioned to the position of Remote Visit Dashboard Trainer, sharing his expertise with our client firms. Alongside his wife Julie and their adventurous dog 'Breezy,' Dan loves traveling the United States in their RV. Together, they relish meeting new friends, hiking, fishing, horseback riding, exploring National Parks, and embracing the joys of the open road!