Often individuals provide for final expenses using their savings or by relying on friends and relatives for financial assistance. Do you want to leave your loved ones with an unexpected financial burden?

Advantages of Planning Your Funeral

  • Reduces the emotional burden so family members won’t have to wonder, “Did we do the right thing?”

  • Allows you to control your own celebration so it truly reflects who you are.

  • Organizes data so your family doesn’t worry about locating vital information.

  • Shows your sense of responsibility for family by making decisions, so others won’t have to – saving them from potential disagreements.

Advantages of Funding Your Funeral

  • Sets aside funds to help remove the unexpected financial burden on your family to pay for your final expenses.

  • Helps eliminate the need for your family to determine who is responsible for, or capable of, paying for your services.

Most of us plan for things that might happen…

  • For damage to our homes – homeowner’s insurance

  • For medical emergencies – health insurance

  • For car accidents – auto insurance

  • For retirement – 401k, pension plan

It makes sense to plan for the one thing we know will happen, doesn’t it?

If you died today, who would be making the decisions and paying for them tomorrow?